Company Profile

Der Reusspark ist ein Zuhause für pflege- und betreuungsbedürftige Menschen. Als innovative Institution setzt er auf hohem Niveau Standards in Pflege und Betreuung. Die idyllische Lage an der Reuss mit viel Grün und unterhaltsamem Tierpark vermittelt Vitalität und Wohlbefinden. Die familiäre Atmos...

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4.2 ★

Employees (0)

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Others (15)

5 stars11
4 stars1
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star2

Translated from German

02 October 2018

Former employee

sous chef

I'm afraid I had some negative experiences. The superiors have two faces and are not loyal to the employees.

Translated from German

20 June 2018

Current employee

Employer offers attractive working conditions

Many attractive amenities for employees. Very nice surroundings. Working environment Long-term care is demanding. Good working climate.

Translated from German

10 February 2018

I have had negative experiences, superiors are not always honest in dealing with employees. Pressure to perform continues to increase and smiles at the same time :-) The situation is beautiful.


Reusspark / Zentrum für Pflege und Betreuung

5524 Niederwil